New construction in the heart of Tuzla

//New construction in the heart of Tuzla

New construction in the heart of Tuzla

2022-01-21T13:50:33+01:0019. November 2021.|Tags: , |

On the Smart Residence building, reinforced concrete is currently being worked on and it is in it’s final stages. At the moment we are doing work on the roof, where we are planning to install thermo insulation, geotextile and riverbed gravel. All for the purpose of meeting the high standards and preventing any kind of damages. It is a flat roof that meets the set aesthetic requirements. At the same time the exterior walls are being done, so everything is ready for installing of the Alubond vented facade , first of its kind in Tuzla and wider. Because of a gas station in near proximity a 4m high wall is going to be built.

In parallel to the building, construction is being done on the parking. Parking terrain is demanding and is being worked on hastily so it is finished before snowfall, so the trucks can safely transport dozens of cubic meters of dirt.

With the advancement of construction , the volume of the work is expanding as well. Because of that we are employing new workers of different professions. People in question are professional, diligent and ambitious enough to understand the importance of a project like this.